About us & Departmental Profile


        Department of Chemistry is the prime Department of our College established in 1986 and Postgraduation is started from 2008. In all 2556 students have completed their undergraduation and 389 students completed their postgraduation from this Department. During current year 581 students are studing in U.G. courses, 88 students in P.G. course and 11 students are registered for Ph. D course.

Department has broad canvas of research activities competing basic as well as applied research and contributed significantly by publishing research papers and patents. Our Research Laboratory is recognized by Shivaji University, Kolhapur for M. Phil and Ph. D. course. Heterocyclic synthesis, Catalysis, Green Chemistry and Nanotechnology are the areas of ongoing research in the Department. In the Department, three faculty members are Shivaji University recognized research guides for M. Phil./ Ph. D. courses. Until now in all five research students of the Department are awarded by doctorate degree. The faculty members have research publications in National and International Journals with high Impact Factors and presented their research work in various National and International conferences. The faculty and students of the Department have also attended various conferences, symposia and workshops organized by other institutes. The faculty members have successfully completed orientation programmes, refresher courses, faculty developmet programmes and short term courses.

Department is sponsored with DST-FIST grant of 50 Lakh. Faculty members have completed 03 Major and 07 minor research projects with total grant of 48.86 Lakhs sponsored by various funding agencies. In the Department, 7 Research students have been awarded Research Fellowships by different funding agencies like DST, CSIR, UGC, SARTHI, MAHAJYOTI. Department has MOUs with different institutes. The students of this Department are awarded by Merit Scholarship provided by University.

Department has adequate infrastructure facility, which includes well equipped research laboratory for research students, classrooms to engage classes and five laboratories to conduct U. G. and P.G. practicals. There is separate smart classroom for PG classes in the Department. The Department has sophisticated instrumental facility including High performance liquid chromatography, Gas Chromatography, FTIR spectrophotometer, UV-Visible spectrophotometer, Luminar air flow, Sonicator, Autoclave, Microwave oven, Rotaevaporator, pH meters, Conductometers, Flame Photometer, Digital  Polarimeters, Colorimeters, Potentiometers, Refractometers, Vacuum oven, Incubators, Vacuum pumps, etc.

The alumni of the Department is holding higher positions in National Laboratories and Institutions within and outside the country and many alumni are teachers posted in various istitutions.

During this academic year, several activities were undertaken to promote awareness of the students in curricular as well as co-curricular activities. Students organize Welcome function for freshers and Farewell function for seniors.

The Department organized ‘Chemistry Carnival’ which includes Poster Presentation, Instrument demonstration and Magical Chemistry experiments by PG students. All UG and PG students participated in this event. The PG faculty members and students visited differents schools for experimental and instrumental demonstration.

The Deparment previously organized yearly ‘NEW HORIZONS’ Poster Presentation Competition to encourage the students’ knowledge in research area. Recently students participate in ‘Vasantavishkar’, Poster Presentation Competition at College level. Students of the Department have participated and received prize in University level ‘Avishkar’ Competition.

Department organizes Career Orientated Courses for the students in different areas of Chemistry.

Study tour and Industrial visits are organized for UG and PG students. Department eventually organizes training workshop for PG students to explore the practical aspects of theoretical knowledge.

This year Online Course in ‘Basics in Chemistry Practicals’ was organized for Chemistry students. Online Student Development Programme on ‘Personality development and Communication skills’ was organized for College students.

Department has well maintained ‘Departmental library’ which includes 183 books donated by faculty members and alumni of the Department. Department also has ‘Inter Library Loan Scheme’ since 2017 which include 438 books. These books are provided to the PG students in groups on yearly basis. Nearly 25 reference books are provided per group.

     Department organizes yearly ‘Chemquiz’ competition since 2007, MCQ based examination for the B. Sc. III students as practice test for M. Sc. entrance examination. Department also organized two workshops for B. Sc. III students to guide them for M. Sc. entrance examination and PG admission process.

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